To avoid such scams and actually find a well-paying job without having to pay any money, you have to do a bit of research on yourself first. Most companies these days have their own website that provides information including details about the products and/or services offered by them along with contact information. You can log into the website of the particular company you want to apply to find out the necessary details about them.
If you are searching for a job, an internship, or a part-time job opportunity in Nepal, it can be difficult to know where to start. Finding a job in Nepal is not that easy. Finding an authentic, legally registered company that provides a good working environment and guaranteed payment is even tougher. When you are starting your career or changing jobs it can be quite challenging to find the one that fits your needs and interests.
There are a lot of job-providing companies out there in Kathmandu, that are very active in social media. But not all of them are reliable and reputable. A lot of them claim to be legit and to provide a 100% guaranteed job with a guaranteed salary and other benefits. The way they advertise on social media seems so legit that no one finds it necessary to raise a question or do a bit of research before applying through them. They claim to provide the job without any experience to a lot of people. And many of these companies only seek the qualification of SEE or intermediate level. This seems so simple and easy that the job seeker can’t resist calling them and applying for the job. And even though such companies promote their service to be free of any cost, they manage to charge a hefty amount from job seekers in the name of the registration fees, operational charges, etc. This can make it difficult for someone who wants to find a good job in Nepal and make a stable career. In this article, we will discuss how to avoid such scams and actually get a well-paying job in Nepal.
As a fresh graduate or someone thinking of starting a new beginning, there are a lot of things to check while applying for a job. One of the most important things to check is to find out if the company is legally registered or not. In a time when there are a lot of companies claiming to provide a guaranteed job, there have been many complaints regarding fraud and charging a lot of money as much as equal to a month’s salary.
To avoid such scams and actually find a well-paying job without having to pay any money, you have to do a bit of research on yourself first. Most companies these days have their own website that provides information including details about the products and/or services offered by them along with contact information. You can log into the website of the particular company you want to apply to find out the necessary details about them. You can also check the company’s LinkedIn or other social media accounts to check the reviews from their employees, company size, the company culture, leadership, values, etc. And if you are not still sure of your findings then you can simply log into where you can find multiple companies that offer a good working environment and career growth opportunities. Or you can even call them to know more about the company and they will answer all your queries. Kumari Job is driven by a mission to simplify the process of searching and applying for jobs in Nepal. All the companies registered on the Kumari Job website are legally registered, have a good payment history, and have a good reputation in the market.
Kumari job has opportunities for all, be it a fresher without experience or experienced professionals. You can find hundreds of vacancies for various positions such as Accounting, Finance, Sales & Marketing, Administrative, IT and Telecommunication, Business Development, Teaching, Software Development, and many more other positions. With thousands of reputed business houses and multinational companies, NGOs and INGOs, you can easily find and apply for the job you are looking for.