It is very useful for computer users to know about the shortcut keys provided by Windows. It can bring smartness to your digital behavior and also increase efficiency by saving time. Here’s a look at some of the most important shortcut keys that make a mouse almost useless.
CTRL+A Select All
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+I Italic
F1 Help
F2 Rename selected object
F3 Find all files
F4 Opens file list drop-down in dialogs
F5 Refresh current window
F6 Shifts focus in Windows Explorer
F10 Activates men bar action
ALT+TAB Cycles between open applications
ALT+F4 Quit program, close current window
ALT+F6 Switch between current program windows
ALT+ENTER Opens properties dialog
ALT+SPACE System menu for current window
ALT+¢ opens drop-down lists in dialog boxes
BACKSPACE Switch to parent folder
CTRL+ESC Opens Start menu
CTRL+ALT+DEL Opens task manager, reboots the computer
CTRL+TAB Move through property tabs
CTRL+SHIFT+DRAG Create shortcut (also right-click, drag)
ESC Cancel last function
SHIFT Press/hold SHIFT, insert CD-ROM to bypass auto-play
SHIFT+DRAG Move file
SHIFT+F10 Opens context menu (same as right-click)
SHIFT+DELETE Full wipe delete (bypasses Recycle Bin)
CTRL+HOME to the top
CTRL+END to the bottom
PAGE UP moves document or dialog box up one page
PAGE DOWN moves document or dialog down one page
ARROW KEYS move focus in documents, dialogs, etc.
CTRL+ > next word
CTRL+SHIFT+ > selects word
Windows Explorer Tree Control Numeric Keypad
* Expand all under current selection Numeric Keypad
+ Expands current selection Numeric Keypad
– Collapses current selection
¦ Expand current selection or go to first child
‰ Collapse current selection or go to parent Special Characters
‘ Opening single quote alt 0145
’ Closing single quote alt 0146
“ Opening double quote alt 0147
“ Closing double quote alt 0148
– En dash alt 0150
— Em dash alt 0151
… Ellipsis alt 0133
• Bullet alt 0149
® Registration Mark alt 0174
© Copyright alt 0169
™ Trademark alt 0153
° Degree symbol alt 0176
¢ Cent sign alt 0162
1⁄4 alt 0188
1⁄2 alt 0189
3⁄4 alt 0190
PC Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating unique images in a uniform world!
é alt 0233
É alt 0201
ñ alt 0241
÷ alt 0247